The specialized large 3D print service of WHALE STONE 3D’s FGF (Fused Granulate Fabrication) is preparing to change the situation in the area of large-scale manufacturing. This gives to our service sufficient opportunities for fabrication of large and complex parts with high accuracy due to the application of advanced granulated material technology. Such technology shows very promising results in industries that require high quality, high dimension, and high speed components and prototypes.
FGF 3D printing is a layer deposition process that makes use of granulated thermoplastic materials that are melted and thereafter extruded. To facilitate the use of this technology two strategies are combined forming an impressive result in the achievement of large parts with increased strength and complex shapes. WHALE STONE 3D’s FGF 3D print service is most appropriate for the automotive, aerospace and construction industries as it is characterized by the need to produce large components with short lead times.
The high rate of throughput, which is a level of performance found in FGF 3D printing, is productive, as there is no quality drawback even when high build volumes are applied. This makes it possible to quickly create large, complex, high precision, and tightly toleranced parts, prototypes, and specialized parts or ready-made sets. WHALE STONE 3D also cares for each component produced complying to global accuracy and strength standards enabling usage in various industries.
The combination of advantages presented by FGF 3D printing would be incomplete without addressing material capabilities. The proposed technology is compatible with a variety of thermoplastic materials, such as ABS, PLA, or PETG, which allows producing parts with different properties. If you’re looking for parts which are strong, flexible, or resistant to heat, WHALE STONE 3D has a variety of materials which would be suited for you.
There is also an improvement of design freedom with FGF 3D printing. With the assistance of this technology, complex geometries and structures can be manufactured which is not possible with the conventional techniques. Freedom concerning design is very useful in approach designs for instance custom projects and rapid prototyping.
Moreover, FGF 3D printing helps to save costs and is environment-friendly. It is achieved by using granular materials to build parts, thus, cutting down the cost on production since less material is wasted. WHALE STONE 3D cares for the environment hence believes in green manufacturing that is in accordance with modern industrial requirements.
In conclusion, WHALE STONE 3D’s FGF large 3D print service brings radical changes in the field of mass manufacturing and development of prototypes. FGF3D printing offers new advanced capabilities with respect to efficiency, upscaling, designing of structural elements and components with various materials.